Kenya’s independent consultants in livestock selection, breeding, nutrition, marketing, and healthcare, helping farmers optimize their livestock operations.

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Masaku Hacturies & Livestock 

At Company MasakuHL, we prioritize the well-being of animals and the environment in all our operations.

 Masaku Hacturies & Livestock

Kenya’s independent consultants in livestock selection, breeding, nutrition, marketing, and healthcare, helping farmers optimize their livestock operations. 

We understand livestock production, and the challenges and opportunities faced by farmers operating in the natural environment. 

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Our Breads

SASSO Chicken

The Sasso chicken is a group of improved kienyeji bred to grow under all manner of rearing systems and reach a market weight of 2 kilograms in 3 months, .

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Boer Goat

The Boer or Boerbok is a South African breed of meat goat. It was selectively bred for meat qualities and for the ability to survive by grazing in the ASAL region.

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Kalahari Red Goat

The Kalahari Red is a breed of goat originating from South Africa. Their name is derived from their red coat and the Kalahari Desert.

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Helping You Build Your Livestock Business

Our livestock is carefully selected and bred to ensure that it is healthy, productive, and well-suited to your specific needs and goals.


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